# 使用 AssemblyScript 构建
¥Built with AssemblyScript
一个存放所有 AssemblyScript 内容的地方。请随意添加你的项目和应用。
¥A place for all things AssemblyScript. Feel free to add your projects and applications.
# 基准测试
webassembly-wave (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
JavaScript 与 WebAssembly 性能比较 - 波动方程演示(JS、C++、AssemblyScript)。¥webassembly-wave (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
JavaScript vs WebAssembly performance comparison - wave equation demo (JS, C++, AssemblyScript).Eratosthenes (opens new window)
通过埃拉托斯特尼筛法计算素数的 WebAssembly 示例。¥Eratosthenes (opens new window)
WebAssembly examples which calculate prime by Sieve of Eratosthenes.WasmBoy 基准测试 (opens new window)
对 WasmBoy 模拟器进行基准测试。¥WasmBoy Benchmark (opens new window)
Benchmarking WasmBoy emulator.wasm-n-body (opens new window)
WebAssembly N 体模拟基准(使用 1000 个对象与原始对象进行比较)。¥wasm-n-body (opens new window)
WebAssembly N-body simulation benchmark (use 1000 bodies compare to original).as-benchmarks (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
一组计算基准(JS、AssemblyScript)。¥as-benchmarks (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
A set of computational benchmarks (JS, AssemblyScript).排序颜色基准 (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
在 2d 画布上按色调分量对随机颜色进行排序的工作台。¥Sort Colors Benchmark (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
Bench of sorting random colors by hue component on 2d canvas.瓦斯姆·曼德尔布罗特 (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
使用各种 WebAssembly 工具(emscripten、AssemblyScript、asm.js 等)渲染的 mandelbrot¥Wasm Mandelbrot (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
A mandelbrot rendered using a variety of WebAssembly tools (emscripten, AssemblyScript, asm.js, etc ...)谢林隔离 (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
一组使用 WebGPU 和 AssemblyScript 组合进行的谢林分离模型模拟。¥Schelling's Segregation (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
A set of Schelling's Segregation model simulations using combinations of WebGPU and AssemblyScript.
# 区块链
AS 合约/下标 (opens new window)
用 AssemblyScript 编写的 Substrate 智能合约框架。¥ASContract / subscript (opens new window)
Substrate smart contract framework written in AssemblyScript.eWasm / 双涡轮增压 (opens new window)
使用 Turboproofs 的 Eth1 EE。¥eWasm / Biturbo (opens new window)
Eth1 EE using Turboproofs.ewasm / scout.ts (opens new window)
Scout 是以太坊 2.0 第 2 阶段执行原型引擎(AssemblyScript 端口)。¥ewasm / scout.ts (opens new window)
Scout is a Ethereum 2.0 Phase 2 execution prototyping engine (AssemblyScript Port).Koinos 区块链 / koinos-sdk-as (opens new window)
用于为 Koinos 区块链 (opens new window) 编写智能合约的 AssemblyScript SDK。¥Koinos Blockchain / koinos-sdk-as (opens new window)
AssemblyScript SDK for writing smart contracts for the Koinos Blockchain (opens new window).Koinos 区块链 / koinos-sdk-as-examples (opens new window)
使用 koinos-sdk-as 在 AssemblyScript 中编写的 Koinos 区块链 (opens new window) 智能合约示例集合。¥Koinos Blockchain / koinos-sdk-as-examples (opens new window)
Collection of smart contract examples for the Koinos Blockchain (opens new window) written in AssemblyScript using koinos-sdk-as.NearProtocol/near-sdk-as (opens new window)
用于为 NearProtocol 编写智能合约的 AssemblyScript 工具。¥NearProtocol / near-sdk-as (opens new window)
AssemblyScript tools for writing smart contracts for NearProtocol.GraphProtocol/graph-ts (opens new window)
用于为 图表 (opens new window) 编写映射的 TypeScript/AssemblyScript 库。¥GraphProtocol / graph-ts (opens new window)
TypeScript/AssemblyScript library for writing mappings for The Graph (opens new window).ChainSafe / as-sha256 (opens new window)
北极星 (opens new window) 的 SHA256 的 AssemblyScript 实现。¥ChainSafe / as-sha256 (opens new window)
AssemblyScript implementation of SHA256 for Lodestar (opens new window).ParityTech / srml-合约-瀑布 (opens new window)
用 Rust 和 AssemblyScript 编写的简单 Substrate 智能合约示例集合以及 Substrates SRML 合约模块的测试。¥ParityTech / srml-contracts-waterfall (opens new window)
Collection of simple Substrate smart contract examples written in Rust and AssemblyScript and tests for Substrates SRML Contracts module.
# 构建工具
¥Build Tools
Zwitterion (opens new window)
一个 Web 开发服务器,可让你导入任何内容*。¥Zwitterion (opens new window)
A web dev server that lets you import anything*.rollup-plugin-assemblyscript (opens new window)
一个 Rollup 插件,允许你导入 AssemblyScript 文件并即时编译它们。¥rollup-plugin-assemblyscript (opens new window)
A Rollup plugin that allows you to import AssemblyScript files and compiles them on-the-fly.as-loader (opens new window)
AssemblyScript 的 webpack 加载器¥as-loader (opens new window)
A webpack loader for AssemblyScriptvisitor-as (opens new window)
用于创建编译器转换器的工具。¥visitor-as (opens new window)
Tools for creating compiler transformers.
# 演示场景
Hoofdkantoor WASM 演示 (opens new window)
使用 AssemblyScript(还有 TS 和 Web Audio API)构建的演示。这是对 90 年代初老派 Demoscene 的致敬。¥Hoofdkantoor WASM Demo (opens new window)
A demo built with AssemblyScript (also TS and Web Audio API). It's an homage to the old school Demoscene of the early 90s.
# 编辑
快速玻璃容器 (opens new window)
用于在服务器端运行 WebAssembly 的编译工具链和沙箱,具有对 AssemblyScript 的原生支持。¥Fastly Terrarium (opens new window)
A compilation toolchain and sandbox to run WebAssembly server-side, with native support for AssemblyScript.NEAR 协议示例 (opens new window)
使用 GitPod (opens new window) 使用以 AssemblyScript 编写的 NEAR 智能合约来开发和部署分布式 Web 应用的示例。¥NEAR Protocol Examples (opens new window)
Examples that use GitPod (opens new window) to develop and deploy distributed web apps using NEAR smart contracts authored in AssemblyScript.碘化物注意本 (opens new window)
网络科学传播和探索的实验工具(more (opens new window))。¥Iodide Notebook (opens new window)
Experimental tool for scientific communication and exploration on the web (more (opens new window)).
# 格式化器
assemblyscript-prettier (opens new window)
AssemblyScript 的 Prettier 插件,用于解决 ts 和 as 语法不兼容的部分¥assemblyscript-prettier (opens new window)
Prettier plugin for assemblyscript to resolve the incompatible part of ts and as syntax
# 模拟器
wasmBoy (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
Game Boy / Game Boy 颜色模拟器库,使用 AssemblyScript 为 WebAssembly 编写。¥wasmBoy (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
Game Boy / Game Boy Color Emulator Library, written for WebAssembly using AssemblyScript.雅达利 2600 (opens new window)
用 AssemblyScript 编写的 Atari 2600 模拟器,编译为 WebAssembly。¥Atari 2600 (opens new window)
An Atari 2600 emulator written in AssemblyScript compiled to WebAssembly.as-spectrum-engine (opens new window)
ZX Spectrum 模拟器引擎的 AssemblyScript 实现。¥as-spectrum-engine (opens new window)
AssemblyScript implementation of a ZX Spectrum emulator engine.
# 游戏
棋 (opens new window) (play (opens new window))
一款使用 AssemblyScript 和 React 的免费开源国际象棋游戏。¥Chess (opens new window) (play (opens new window))
A free and open source chess game using AssemblyScript and React.五子棋 WASM (opens new window) (play (opens new window))
使用 as2d (opens new window) 通过 WebAssembly 实现五子棋游戏。¥Gomoku WASM (opens new window) (play (opens new window))
A Gomoku game implements with WebAssembly using as2d (opens new window).2d-videogame-in-assemblyscript (opens new window)
使用 AssemblyScript 演示 2D 视频游戏。¥2d-videogame-in-assemblyscript (opens new window)
Demo 2D videogame in AssemblyScript.fiberoptic-game (opens new window)
使用 AssemblyScript for js13k 2018 制作的网页游戏。¥fiberoptic-game (opens new window)
Web game produced with AssemblyScript for js13k 2018.
# 图形/游戏框架
¥Graphics / Game Frameworks
as2d (opens new window)
[已弃用] 将 CanvasRenderingContext2D 原型的强大功能引入 AssemblyScript。¥as2d (opens new window)
[Deprecated] Bring the power of the CanvasRenderingContext2D prototype to AssemblyScript.koora (opens new window)
Assemblyscript 3D 游戏框架。¥koora (opens new window)
Assemblyscript 3D Game Framework.as-smallpt (opens new window)
C++ Smallpt 的端口,路径跟踪渲染器。¥as-smallpt (opens new window)
Port of C++ smallpt, a path tracing renderer.Babylon.Font (opens new window)
在 BabylonJS 中创建 3D 文本。¥Babylon.Font (opens new window)
Create 3d text in BabylonJS.探路者 (opens new window)
AssemblyScript NavMesh 路径查找器。¥Path-Finder (opens new window)
AssemblyScript NavMesh Path Finder.seam-carving-as (opens new window)
使用 AssemblyScript 进行接缝雕刻实验。¥seam-carving-as (opens new window)
Seam Carving experiments with AssemblyScript.ASWebGLue (opens new window)
AssemblyScript 的 WebGL 绑定。¥ASWebGLue (opens new window)
WebGL bindings for AssemblyScript.GLAS (opens new window)
AssemblyScript 中的 WebGL,Three.js (opens new window) 到 AssemblyScript 的端口。¥GLAS (opens new window)
WebGL in AssemblyScript, port of Three.js (opens new window) to AssemblyScript.
# 数据序列化/反序列化
¥Data Serialization / Deserialization
karmem (opens new window)
Karmem 是一种快速二进制序列化格式,比 Google Flatbuffers 更快,并针对 WebAssembly 语言进行了优化。¥karmem (opens new window)
Karmem is a fast binary serialization format, faster than Google Flatbuffers and optimized for WebAssembly languages.as-proto (opens new window)
Protobuf 编码器/解码器库。¥as-proto (opens new window)
Protobuf encoder/decoder library.as-json (opens new window)
JSON 编码器/解码器。¥as-json (opens new window)
JSON encoder / decoder.as-msgpack (opens new window)
AssemblyScript 的 MessagePack 包。¥as-msgpack (opens new window)
MessagePack package for AssemblyScript.assemblyscript-bson (opens new window)
BSON 编码器/解码器。¥assemblyscript-bson (opens new window)
BSON encoder / decoder.assemblyscript-json (opens new window)
JSON 编码器/解码器。¥assemblyscript-json (opens new window)
JSON encoder / decoder.AS-LZMA (opens new window)
用 AssemblyScript 编写的 LZMA 解码器。¥AS-LZMA (opens new window)
LZMA Decoder written in AssemblyScript.
# 加密货币(非区块链)
¥Crypto (non-blockchain)
superfasthash (opens new window)
SuperFastHash 非加密哈希算法在 JavaScript 和 WebAssembly 中的实现。¥superfasthash (opens new window)
An implementation of the SuperFastHash non-cryptographic hashing algorithm in JavaScript and WebAssembly.WASM-加密货币 (opens new window)
用于构建身份验证和密钥交换协议的 AssemblyScript 加密原语集。¥WASM-Crypto (opens new window)
An AssemblyScript set of cryptographic primitives for building authentication and key exchange protocols.rabin-wasm (opens new window)
在 WASM 中实现的 Rabin 指纹识别(由 js-ipfs 使用)。¥rabin-wasm (opens new window)
Rabin fingerprinting implemented in WASM (used by js-ipfs).xoroshiro128starstar (opens new window)
xoroshiro128starstar.c 的 AssemblyScript 端口¥xoroshiro128starstar (opens new window)
An AssemblyScript port of xoroshiro128starstar.c
# 固定和任意精度算法
¥Fixed & Arbitrary Precision Arithmetics
as-bignum (opens new window)
用于 AssemblyScript 的固定长度大数字,如u128
等。¥as-bignum (opens new window)
Fixed length big numbers likeu128
and etc for AssemblyScript.as-big (opens new window)
用于任意精度十进制算术的 AssemblyScript 库。¥as-big (opens new window)
An AssemblyScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic.as-bigint (opens new window)
BigInt 是一个用于任意大整数数学运算的 AssemblyScript 类。¥as-bigint (opens new window)
BigInt is an AssemblyScript class for math with arbitrarily large integers.as-bignumber (opens new window)
用于具有任意精度小数和整数的数学运算的 AssemblyScript 类。¥as-bignumber (opens new window)
An AssemblyScript class for math with arbitrary-precision decimal and integer numbers.@hypercubed/as-mpz (opens new window)
AssemblyScript 的不可变多精度整数库。¥@hypercubed/as-mpz (opens new window)
Immutable multiple precision integer library for AssemblyScript.
# 语言扩展和类型
¥Language Extensions and Types
as-container (opens new window)
Rust Option<T> 和 Result<O, E> 等的 AssemblyScript 版本。¥as-container (opens new window)
AssemblyScript version of Rust Option<T> and Result<O, E> etc.as-variant (opens new window)
AssemblyScript 的变体(又名 Any)数据类型。¥as-variant (opens new window)
Variant (aka Any) data type for AssemblyScript.
# 绑定
asdom (opens new window)
AssemblyScript 的 DOM 绑定。¥asdom (opens new window)
DOM bindings for AssemblyScript.ecmassembly (opens new window)
需要主机调度的常见 ECMAScript/JavaScript API 的绑定(setTimeout
等)。¥ecmassembly (opens new window)
Bindings for common ECMAScript/JavaScript APIs that require host scheduling (setTimeout
, etc).wasmbind (opens new window)
使用 Python 中的 AssemblyScript 内存和类。¥wasmbind (opens new window)
Work with AssemblyScript memory and classes from Python.as-bind (opens new window)
[已弃用] 用于处理 AssemblyScript 和 JavaScript 之间传递高级数据结构的同构库,构建于 AssemblyScript 加载器之上。¥as-bind (opens new window)
[Deprecated] Isomorphic library to handle passing high-level data structures between AssemblyScript and JavaScript, built on top of the AssemblyScript loader.
# 其他库
¥Other Libraries
ASTL (opens new window)
[已弃用] 将项目从 C++ STL(标准模板库)迁移到 AssemblyScript。支持容器、迭代器、算法和函子。¥ASTL (opens new window)
[Deprecated] Migration project from C++ STL (Standard Template Library) to AssemblyScript. Containers, iterators, algorithms and functors are supported.编辑瓦斯姆 (opens new window)
一个实验性的、快如闪电的 Wasm 编译的 levenshtein 库。¥Levenshtein Wasm (opens new window)
An experimental lightning-fast Wasm-compiled levenshtein library.as-wasi (opens new window)
用于 WASI 系统调用的 AssemblyScript API 层。¥as-wasi (opens new window)
An AssemblyScript API layer for WASI system calls.galois (opens new window)
有限域中的算术和多项式运算。¥galois (opens new window)
Arithmetic and polynomial operations in finite fields.merkle (opens new window)
Merkle 树等数据结构。¥merkle (opens new window)
Merkle tree and other data structures.pixelmatch-asc (opens new window)
像素级图片比较库。¥pixelmatch-asc (opens new window)
Pixel level image comparison library.wasmer-as (opens new window)
用于处理 wasmer-runtime 内的汇编脚本内存的辅助程序。¥wasmer-as (opens new window)
Helpers for dealing with assemblyscript memory inside wasmer-runtime.wasmer3-as (opens new window)
wasmer 3.0 中的升弦和下弦示例¥wasmer3-as (opens new window)
Examples of lift string and lower string in wasmer 3.0io-devices-lib (opens new window)
用于与 Wasmer 实验 IO 设备交互的库。¥io-devices-lib (opens new window)
Library for interacting with the Wasmer Experimental IO Devices.as-string-sink (opens new window)
用于 AssemblyScript 的高效动态大小字符串缓冲区(又名字符串生成器)。¥as-string-sink (opens new window)
An efficient dynamically sized string buffer (aka String Builder) for AssemblyScript.
# 嵌入式/物联网
¥Embedded / IoT
wasm3-arduino (opens new window)
使用 wasm3 的使用示例,运行在 Arduino、PlatformIO、Particle 上。¥wasm3-arduino (opens new window)
Usage example with wasm3 which run on Arduino, PlatformIO, Particle.Wasm3_RGB_Lamp (opens new window)
使用 WebAssembly (AssemblyScript) 对 RGB 灯进行动画处理。¥Wasm3_RGB_Lamp (opens new window)
Animating an RGB lamp, using WebAssembly (AssemblyScript).wasm-arduino-wifi (opens new window)
示例如何在 arduino 上通过 WiFi 更新 WebAssembly。¥wasm-arduino-wifi (opens new window)
Example how update WebAssembly via WiFi on arduino.
# 测试/基准测试
¥Testing / Benchmarking
as-tral (opens new window)
AssemblyScript 基准测试库,灵感来自 criteria.rs。(所需的 AssemblyScript >= 0.20)¥as-tral (opens new window)
AssemblyScript benchmarking library inspired by criterion.rs. (Required AssemblyScript >= 0.20)as-pect (opens new window)
一个受 jest 启发的测试框架。(所需的 AssemblyScript <= 0.19)¥as-pect (opens new window)
A test framework inspired by jest. (Required AssemblyScript <= 0.19)envy (opens new window)
aspect 的测试框架精神继承者。(所需的 AssemblyScript >= 0.20)¥envy (opens new window)
A test framework spiritual successor of as-pect. (Required AssemblyScript >= 0.20)assemblyscript-unittest-framework (opens new window)
为 assemblyscript 编写测试所需的一切,包括断言、模拟、覆盖率。(需要 AssemblyScript >= 0.25)¥assemblyscript-unittest-framework (opens new window)
Everything you need to write test for assemblyscript, including assert, mock, coverage. (Required AssemblyScript >= 0.25)
# 项目模板
¥Project Templates
worker-assemblyscript-template (opens new window)
用于 AssemblyScript Worker 的 Cloudflare wrangler 模板。¥worker-assemblyscript-template (opens new window)
A Cloudflare wrangler template for an AssemblyScript worker.
# 应用
wasm-matrix (opens new window)
使用 AssemblyScript 和 WASI 在终端中实现矩阵效果,部署到 WAPM。¥wasm-matrix (opens new window)
A Matrix effect in your terminal using AssemblyScript and WASI, deployed to WAPM.WebAssembly 音乐实验 (opens new window)
浏览器中的实时编码环境,用于使用 JavaScript 对音乐进行排序并在 AssemblyScript 中合成乐器。演示直接在浏览器中编译 AssemblyScript,以及 WebAssembly 模块的实时热交换。¥WebAssembly music experiment (opens new window)
A live coding environment in the browser for sequencing music with javascript and synthesizing instruments in AssemblyScript. Demonstrates compiling AssemblyScript directly in the browser, and live hot-swapping of webassembly modules.WireWorld (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
Javascript/Canvas 中的 Wireworld 计算机。¥WireWorld (opens new window) (demo (opens new window))
The Wireworld Computer in Javascript/Canvas.