# 数组示例

¥Arrays example

展示如何交换和使用在 WebAssembly 或 JavaScript 中创建的数组。

¥Shows how to exchange and work with arrays either created in WebAssembly or in JavaScript.

# 内容


  • 使用加载器和完整的运行时来处理托管对象。

    ¥Using the loader and the full runtime to work with managed objects.

  • 在 WebAssembly 中创建数组并在 JavaScript 中使用它们。

    ¥Creating arrays in WebAssembly and using them in JavaScript.

  • 在 JavaScript 中创建数组并在 WebAssembly 中使用它们。

    ¥Creating arrays in JavaScript and using them in WebAssembly.

  • 使用数组的副本和实时视图。

    ¥Using both copies of and live views on arrays.

  • 在数组长度已知的情况下执行 unchecked 访问。

    ¥Performing unchecked accesses where the length of an array is known.

  • 将对象固定在外部以防止过早的垃圾收集。

    ¥Pinning objects externally to prevent premature garbage collection.

# 示例


/** Creates a new array and returns it to JavaScript. */
export function createArray(length: i32): Int32Array {
  return new Int32Array(length)

/** Randomizes the specified array's values. */
export function randomizeArray(arr: Int32Array): void {
  for (let i = 0, k = arr.length; i < k; ++i) {
    let value = i32((Math.random() * 2.0 - 1.0) * i32.MAX_VALUE)
    unchecked(arr[i] = value)

/** Computes the sum of an array's values and returns the sum to JavaScript. */
export function sumArray(arr: Int32Array): i32 {
  let total = 0
  for (let i = 0, k = arr.length; i < k; ++i) {
    total += unchecked(arr[i])
  return total

// We'll need the unique Int32Array id when allocating one in JavaScript
export const Int32Array_ID = idof<Int32Array>()

<textarea id="output" style="width: 100%; height: 100%" readonly></textarea>
loader.instantiate(module_wasm).then(({ exports }) => {
  const output = document.getElementById('output')

  /** Logs a message to the textarea. */
  function log(message = '') {
    output.value += `${message}\n`

  // A simple example using an array created in WebAssembly.
  function example1() {
    log('=== Example1 ===')

    // Obtain the necessary runtime helpers
    const { __pin, __unpin, __getArray } = exports

    // Create a new array in WebAssembly and get a reference to it. Note that
    // the array is not reachable from within WebAssembly, only externally, so
    // we should pin it to prevent it from becoming garbage collected too early.
    let arrayPtr = __pin(exports.createArray(5))
    log(`Array pointer: ${arrayPtr}`)

    // Log its elements to make sure these are zero
    log('Initial values: ' + __getArray(arrayPtr).join(', '))

    // Randomize the array in WebAssembly and log it again
    log('Randomized values: ' + __getArray(arrayPtr).join(', '))

    // Compute the array values' sum and log it. This will overflow i32 range.
    let total = exports.sumArray(arrayPtr)
    log(`Sum (likely overflown): ${total}`)

    // We are done with the array, so __unpin it so it can become collected.


  // A slightly more advanced example allocating the array in JavaScript instead
  // of WebAssembly, and utilizing a live view to modify it in WebAssembly memory.
  function example2() {
    log('=== Example2 ===')

    // Obtain the necessary runtime helpers
    const { __pin, __unpin, __newArray, __getArray, __getArrayView } = exports

    // Create a new array, but this time in JavaScript. Note that the array is
    // again not reachable from within WebAssembly, only externally, so we
    // should pin it to prevent it from becoming garbage collected too early.
    let arrayPtr = __pin(__newArray(exports.Int32Array_ID, [
      3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    log('Array pointer: ' + arrayPtr)

    // Log its elements to make sure these are the provided values
    log('Initial values: ' + __getArray(arrayPtr).join(', '))

    // Compute the array values' sum and log it
    let total = exports.sumArray(arrayPtr)
    log('Sum: ' + total)

    // Instead of copying, let's obtain a live view on the array and modify its
    // values right in WebAssembly memory.
    let view = __getArrayView(arrayPtr)

    // Log the array's elements, now reversed
    log('Reversed values: ' + __getArray(arrayPtr).join(', '))

    // We are done with the array, so __unpin it so it can become collected.



此示例利用加载程序来处理托管对象,因此需要设置 --exportRuntime 以向 JavaScript 公开运行时辅助程序。

¥This example utilizes the loader to work with managed objects, hence requires --exportRuntime to be set to expose the runtime helpers to JavaScript.

# 资源


有关使用加载程序和运行时助手的更多信息可作为 加载器的垃圾收集文档 的一部分获得。

¥Further information on using the loader and the runtime helpers is available as part of the loader's and the garbage collection documentation.