# StaticArray


¥A randomly accessible sequence of values of a generic type with a fixed length.

StaticArray API 与 数组 API 类似,重要的区别在于它具有无法更改的固定长度。与普通数组不同,StaticArray 没有单独的后备缓冲区,因此没有间接级别,因此可以具有最小的开销和与 C 中的数组非常相似的性能特性。

¥The StaticArray API is similar to the Array API, with the important difference that it has a fixed length that cannot change. Unlike a normal Array, a StaticArray does not have a separate backing buffer, so no level of indirection, and as such can have minimal overhead and performance characteristics very similar to arrays in C.

# 构造函数


  • new StaticArray<T>(length: i32)


    ¥Constructs a new static array.

# 静态成员

¥Static members

  • function fromArray<T>(source: Array<T>): StaticArray<T>


    ¥Creates a static array from a normal array.

  • function concat<T>(source: StaticArray<T>, other: StaticArray<T>): StaticArray<T>

    已弃用!与实例成员 concat 类似,但获取并返回 StaticArray

    ¥***Deprecated!*** Like the instance member concat, but taking and returning a StaticArray.

    最好使用参数化 concat 实例方法来代替 StaticArray.concat

    ¥Instead of StaticArray.concat better to use parametric concat instance method.

  • function slice<T>(source: StaticArray<T>, start?: i32, end?: i32): StaticArray<T>

    已弃用!与实例成员 slice 类似,但返回 StaticArray

    ¥***Deprecated!*** Like the instance member slice, but returning a StaticArray.

    最好使用参数化 slice 实例方法来代替 StaticArray.slice

    ¥Instead of StaticArray.slice better to use parametric slice instance method.

# 实例成员

¥Instance members

# 字段


  • readonly length: i32


    ¥The fixed length of this static array.

# 方法


  • function at(pos: i32): T


    ¥Gets the element at the specified position. This method allows for positive and negative integers. Negative integers count back from the last element.

  • function concat<U extends ArrayLike<T> = Array<T>>(other: U): U

    按此顺序将此静态数组和另一个普通数组的值连接到一个新的普通数组。参数 U 接受 Array<T>StaticArray<T> 类型。

    ¥Concatenates the values of this static and the other normal array to a new normal array, in this order. Patameter U accepts Array<T> or StaticArray<T> types.

  • function copyWithin(target: i32, start: i32, end?: i32): this


    ¥Copies a region of an array's values over the respective values starting at the target location.

  • function every(fn: (value: T, index: i32, self: StaticArray<T>) => bool): bool

    使用数组的每个值调用指定的函数,直到找到函数返回 false 的第一个值。如果所有函数都返回 true 或数组为空,则返回 true,否则返回 false

    ¥Calls the specified function with every value of the array until it finds the first value for which the function returns false. Returns true if all functions returned true or the array is empty, otherwise false.

  • function fill(value: T, start?: i32, end?: i32): this

    将数组中从 start(含)到 end(不含)的值替换为指定值,返回该数组。

    ¥Replaces the values of the array from start inclusive to end exclusive in place with the specified value, returning the array.

  • function filter(fn: (value: T, index: i32, self: StaticArray<T>) => bool): Array<T>

    使用数组的每个值调用指定的函数,返回一个新数组,其中包含函数返回 true 的所有值。

    ¥Calls the specified function with every value of the array, returning a new array with all values for which the function returned true.

  • function findIndex(fn: (value: T, index: i32, self: StaticArray<T>) => bool): i32

    使用数组的每个值调用指定的函数,直到找到该函数返回 true 的第一个值,并返回其索引。如果情况并非如此,则返回 -1

    ¥Calls the specified function with every value of the array until it finds the first value for which the function returns true, returning its index. Returns -1 if that's never the case.

  • function findLastIndex(fn: (value: T, index: i32, self: StaticArray<T>) => bool): i32;

    使用从末尾开始的数组的每个值调用指定的函数,直到找到该函数返回 true 的第一个值,并返回其索引。如果情况并非如此,则返回 -1

    ¥Calls the specified function with every value of the array starting at the end until it finds the first value for which the function returns true, returning its index. Returns -1 if that's never the case.

  • function forEach(fn: (value: T, index: i32, self: StaticArray<T>) => void): void


    ¥Calls the specified function with every value of the array.

  • function includes(value: T, fromIndex?: i32): bool


    ¥Tests if the array includes the specified value, optionally providing a starting index.

  • function indexOf(value: T, fromIndex?: i32): i32

    获取可以在数组中找到指定值的第一个索引。如果未找到则返回 -1

    ¥Gets the first index where the specified value can be found in the array. Returns -1 if not found.

  • function join(separator?: string): string


    ¥Concatenates all values of the array to a string, separated by the specified separator (default: ,).

  • function lastIndexOf(value: T, fromIndex?: i32): i32

    获取可以在数组中找到指定值的最后一个索引。如果未找到则返回 -1

    ¥Gets the last index where the specified value can be found in the array. Returns -1 if not found.

  • function map<U>(fn: (value: T, index: i32, self: StaticArray<T>) => U): Array<U>


    ¥Calls the specified function with every value of the array, returning a new array of the function's return values.

  • function slice<U extends ArrayLike<T> = Array<T>>(start?: i32, end?: i32): U

    返回此静态数组的值(从 begin(含)到 end(不包括))的浅表副本,作为新的普通数组。如果省略,end 默认为数组末尾。参数 U 接受 Array<T>StaticArray<T> 类型。

    ¥Returns a shallow copy of this static array's values from begin inclusive to end exclusive, as a new normal array. If omitted, end defaults to the end of the array. Patameter U accepts Array<T> or StaticArray<T> types.

  • function some(fn: (value: T, index: i32, self: StaticArray<T>) => bool): bool

    使用数组的每个值调用指定的函数,直到找到函数返回 true 的第一个值,然后返回 true。否则或如果数组为空,则返回 false

    ¥Calls the specified function with every value of the array until it finds the first value for which the function returns true, returning true. Returns false otherwise or if the array is empty.

  • function sort(fn?: (a: T, b: T) => i32): this

    使用指定的比较器函数对数组的值进行就地排序,并在返回数组之前修改数组。比较器返回负值表示 a < b,返回正值表示 a > b0 表示两者相等。与 JavaScript 中执行到字符串的隐式转换不同,比较器默认比较两个 T 类型的值。

    ¥Sorts the values of the array in place, using the specified comparator function, modifying the array before returning it. The comparator returning a negative value means a < b, a positive value means a > b and 0 means that both are equal. Unlike in JavaScript, where an implicit conversion to strings is performed, the comparator defaults to compare two values of type T.

  • function reduce<U>(
      fn: (accumValue: U, currentValue: T, index: i32, self: StaticArray<T>) => U,
      initialValue: U
    ): U

    使用数组的每个值调用指定的缩减器函数,从而产生单个返回值。各个前一个 reducer 函数的返回值被记住在 accumValue 中,从 initialValue 开始,成为该过程中的最终返回值。

    ¥Calls the specified reducer function with each value of the array, resulting in a single return value. The respective previous reducer function's return value is remembered in accumValue, starting with initialValue, becoming the final return value in the process.

  • function reduceRight<U>(
      fn: (accumValue: U, currentValue: T, index: i32, self: StaticArray<T>) => U,
      initialValue: U
    ): U

    使用数组的每个值从右到左调用指定的缩减器函数,从而产生单个返回值。请参阅 Array#reduce 了解 reducer 函数的签名。

    ¥Calls the specified reducer function with each value of the array, from right to left, resulting in a single return value. See Array#reduce for the reducer function's signature.

  • function reverse(): this


    ¥Reverses an array's values in place, modifying the array before returning it.

  • function toString(): string

    返回 join() 的结果。

    ¥Returns the result of join().